button in the NTFS-3G preference pane, which should be available in System Preferences once you have installed the package. NTFS-3G can be easily uninstalled using the Uninstall NTFS-3G.
If the two preference panes are still there after running. To uninstall FUSE for OS X open the FUSE for OS X system preference pane and click the Uninstall button. To uninstall FUSE for OS X open the FUSE for OS X system preference pane and click the Uninstall button To remove NTFS-3G either open the NTFS-3G preference pane and click on the Uninstall button, or run the script at /System/Library/Filesystems/ntfs-3g.fs/Support/uninstall-ntfs-3g.sh. To remove NTFS-3G either open the NTFS-3G preference pane and click on the Uninstall button, or run the script at /System/Library/Filesystems/ntfs-3g.fs/Support/uninstall-ntfs-3g.sh. Go to settings, then Security & Privacy, then FileVault, then Turn off FileVault. brew install -cask osxfusebrew install ntfs-3g.